In 2019, video marketing is speeding ahead with no signs of slowing down or coming to stop. For both business owners and consumers, video is easily accessible through almost every platform online and those platforms are eagerly welcoming more and more of their users to make videos. Facebook videos are personal and able to be shared, Youtube is still thriving as one of the biggest collections of video, Snapchat and Instagram invite users to share videos quickly and excitingly, and Twitter encourages its users to share engaging and creative video content.

No matter the platform, videos are everywhere, and the internet is only adapting to make room for more and more of them. Last year 85% of all internet users in the United States watched online video content monthly on any of their devices (Statista, 2018).

Using Video For Your Business

What type of video should you be creating? A short one? A long one? The truth is, not just any video is going to drive profit. Statistically,  88% of video marketers are satisfied with the ROI of their video marketing efforts on social media (Animoto, 2018). That’s because they knew what kind of questions to ask themselves in order to determine what kind of video would work best for them.

Your first step is to think about what you’d like to accomplish with video. Ask questions like:

  • Do I want to increase brand awareness?
  • Do I want to connect to consumers?
  • Do I want to sell products directly?
  • Do I want to generate leads?

Depending on your answer, your video might look different. For example, connecting to consumers could mean a 1-2 minute video of storytelling and talk about how a product changed someone’s life. Selling a product directly could mean a brief 15-second product highlight where the video shows the product in high quality with several shots.

How Video Saves You Money

72% of people would rather use video to learn about a product or service – so utilizing video to educate your audience on a product or service can become a huge saving. Instead of rolling out multiple advertisements, social media campaigns, and spending time crafting answers to questions a video can do more, tell more, and get people to engage more with your message.

According to Forbes, most people are 95% more likely to remember a call to action after watching a video versus reading about it. Videos are easier to digest than reading long, written content. Therefore, anyone who is exposed to the video that you’re creating is likely to do exactly what you’re asking of them inside that video. Whether it’s visiting your website, learning more about a product, or listening to testimonies – video will capture their attention and encourage them to take the next step.

Not only do you save on other channels of marketing by substituting it for video, you also are nearly guaranteed a solid Return of Investment (ROI). U.S. adults are spending nearly 6 hours a day watching videos, and more users are seeking out testimonials, product reviews, and vlogs related to the businesses they are interested in.

According to Blue Corona, companies that use videos in their marketing say they’ve seen a:

  • 27 percent increase in click-through rate (CTR)
  • 34 percent higher web conversion rate
  • 49 percent faster revenue growth year after year than those who don’t 

The statistics and surveys don’t lie; if you’re not utilizing it, then you’re simply losing the simple and effective opportunity to advance in your business marketing. It’s also important to recognize that video marketing doesn’t have to be expensive. It can start simple, with animated videos and educational clips, until you’re ready to gradually move toward bringing in a professional for help. But even then, working with a videographer is significantly cheaper than your average marketing campaign.

For more information or a free consultation, visit

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