Now that you’ve decided to use social media for your business, you might be wondering how to grow an audience. After all, you can post as much as you want – but if nobody is there to actually see and engage with what you post then where is the value? In a world filled with influencers and trending topics, it seems like followers just build without anyone really having to do anything.
….But that simply isn’t true!
Here are some great, simple ways you can start to build your social media followers.
Post At The Right Time
Since social media is always accessible, it might seem like a good idea to post whenever it’s convenient for you or when you think people might be around (like later in the evening). The reality is that there are very specific times that you should be posting. This usually varies by day and social media platform.
For example, the best time to post on Facebook is Wednesdays at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. While on Instagram, the best times to post are Wednesdays at 11 a.m. and Friday at 10–11 a.m. For a full list of the peak times to post, Sprout Social ran a 2019 study with the breakdowns.
Posting on the right day at the right time is important so that you can get the eyes you want on your content! Whether it’s just a fun photo or an important business announcement, you’ll want to follow the peak posting schedule.
Think About Weekly Trends
You may already participate in “weekly trends” without really noticing. That’s because there’s a universal rule to the way we think about our week – the beginning usually starts positively with a focus on food and fitness while the end of the week focuses more on relaxation.
Actively thinking through what your audience might connect to on a certain part of the week is a simple and useful way to get started in building your follower count. Take advantage of what people are interested in “liking” and “sharing” on social media so that you can jump right into engagement and attention.
Use Image and Video
Think about lectures and presentations. They flourish when there’s a visual aide, whether it’s a chart or a simple photograph. Social media works in the same way: you share information and value in hopes that others will interact with it. Which means you should be using visuals to help boost your message and the value you’re offering to others.
You don’t have to be the one to create images or video to actually share them on your account. Currently, video uploads get twice the amount of reach than images do. By simply pulling a video of relevance and sharing it on your account, you are opening the door for people to watch.
You can share images and videos to virtually any social media platform that you use, not just Facebook or Instagram. Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Youtube are all user-friendly and encourage you to share media. There’s really no excuse for not sharing high-quality media content unless you want your business pages to become boring or uneventful!
It’s helpful (and useful) to know that gaining social media followers is not something that happens overnight. But it’s also something that can happen without a highly funded, in-depth strategy. There is some strategy to it – and using these simple tips to get started is a great way to start boosting your follower count.
….Just remember not to get too obsessive or focused on your audience that your message and quality of content slips away. Followers are important, but so is the value and service that you bring to them.